Be sure to get your CHEMICAL PEEL before summer!

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Common cosmetic procedure

A chemical peel is a common cosmetic procedure that involves the application of a chemical solution to exfoliate the outer layer of the skin. This process reveals a fresh, new skin layer. While a chemical peel can be performed any time of the year, due to the increased sun exposure during the summer months, it is recommended to receive them during any other time.

chemical peel

The skin becomes more sensitive..

The skin becomes more sensitive after a chemical peel, so the sun’s ultraviolet rays can impact your newly exposed fresh layer. The process of exfoliation removes the top layer of dead skin cells, which can act as a natural barrier, protecting your underlying skin against the sun’s UV rays. Without this layer of protection, your skin is more susceptible to hyperpigmentation and/or sunburn.

chemical peel med-spa


Call to speak with one of our experienced Medical Estheticians today:

1+(910) 579-5785

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